
Journal Article

Performance Analysis of Bubble Sort Based And Insertion Sort Based Searching Techniques On 2-D Array

E.T. Oladipupo, D.O. Olayemi, C.O. Adeagbo & T.A. Olayemi


Row wise and column wise 2-D array search algorithm is a popular searching technique. Bubble and Insertion sort algorithms are also known for their effectiveness in sorting arrays that contain small data. In this research, bubble and insertion sort algorithms are applied in the sorting of the randomly generated elements of two dimensional arrays. The arrangement is done in such a way that every row is progressively sorted from left to right and the last number in each row is less than the first number of the next row. Row wise and column wise search technique is then applied in searching for any element in the 2-D array. The objective is to measure and compare the time taken by row wise and column wise search technique on 2-D array when sorting method used in the sorting of the element of the array is taking into consideration. A simple program where bubble sort, insertion sort and row wise and column wise matrix search algorithms were implemented was developed using Matrix Laboratory (MatLab) programming Language. The internal system clock is set to monitor the time duration to complete the computation in each of bubble sort based and insertion sort based search methods. The results indicated that the insertion sort based search takes lesser time than bubble sort based search when applied to 2-D arrays

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