
Journal Article

Evaluation Of Geospatial Distribution Of Top Soil Quality In Lapai And Its Environs, Niger State Nigeria

S.I. Ibrahim


This study evaluate the top Soil Quality in Lapai and its Environs using geographical information system (GIS) by identifying the geospatial distribution of soil types in the study area; evaluate the physical component of the soils obtained and nutrient fertility in Lapai. Systematic sampling technique was adopted by demarcating the study area into five categories in search of soil physical properties. Soil samples were taken from five different land use types; Farmland (FL), Industrial Land (IL), Residential Land (RL), Mechanic Workshop Land (ML) and Uncultivated Land (UL) respectively. The Soil properties assessed include Bulk Density, Moisture content, Porosity and Soil Texture. It is revealed that Mechanic sites has (1.98mg/m3), Residential land had (1.85mg/m3) of weight. Similarly, Farmland had higher moisture content of (11.659mg/m3) and Uncultivated land had least of (0.049mg/m3), The Uncultivated land had higher porosity value at (39%) and Mechanic workshop is least with (25%). Similarly, result of particle size distribution (Texture) showed that Mechanic Workshop had higher particle size with (137.7g) and the least is Residential land with (91.8g) respectively. Therefore the land use types have a negative impact on soil quality of the study area. Government should provide a workshop for mechanics in order to avoid depreciation of land fertility. Proper land use evaluation and land use planning should be enforced in order to minimize adverse effects of degradative land uses on the soil quality of fragile or sensitive parcels of land. Also, Individual should avoid pollution of land in other to make the land fertile for geographical use.

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