
Journal Article

Enrichment Of Information Security By Building New Hybrid Algorithm Using Expanded Rsa, And Des Cryptosystem

A. Abdulganiyu, M.B. Hammawa & O. Owolabi


The idea of fuzzing symmetric encryption method, DES (Data Encryption Standard) and asymmetric encryption modification this is to improve the strength of security on a cloud computing. Our article Expanded-RSA algorithm are fuzz to bring about an innovative and enrichment of data security over Internet network . The proposed plan strengthen data by increasing dispersion in ciphertext using DES for data encryption and Expanded-RSA for key encryption. Thus, unauthorized personnel will need more time to decrypt the text and it also find a solution for the brute-force attack, differential attack, and linear attack. The performance analysis of the proposed plan is done and compared with the DES and Expanded-RSA on the foundation of encryption and decryption time. The result shows that the proposed plan takes little time for encryption process and less time for decryption process, hence it upgrades the security of the data

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