
Journal Article

Effects Of Deforestation On Some Communities In Kusopa, Mokwa Local Government Area, Niger State, Nigeria

A. Mohammed


Vegetation degradation is results of the dynamic inter play of social economics, institutional and technological activities. Vegetation declining may be driven by some factors including economic growth, population growth, urbanization, intensification of agriculture, rising energy use and transportation. Poverty still remains a key issue all the root of several environmental challenges. This paper is on remotely sensed multi-temporal landsat imageries of 1995 Landsat MT, 2005 Landsat ETM and 2015 Landsat 8 ((OLI) with structured questioners on field studies. The result indicate that forest land cover reduces by 38.6% from 74%- as at 1995 to 35.4% as at 2015 which highly might be as a result of massive logging and poaching, settlement growth, increase in agricultural activities coupled with weather anomalies. No measures appeared to have been taken to address deforestation and it impacts on the people and the physical environment of Kudu and Labozhi wards leaving the people and the environment on the peril. Therefore it could be that relevant agencies should strictly monitor deforestation going on within Kudu and Labozhi wards, the stake holders should make standard adaptation strategies and alternative to deforestation with full implementation.

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