
Journal Article

Assessment of Physico-Chemical Parameters and Trace Metals Contents of Some Selected Boreholes (Drinking Water Sources) in Lapai Metropolis, Niger State, Nigeria

B.U. Ibrahim, A.M. Muhammad, H.L. Muhammad & E.H. Ntiense


The safety and accessibility of drinking water are major concerns throughout the world. Health risks may arise from the consumption of water contaminated with infectious agents, toxic chemicals and radiological hazards. Improving access to safe drinking water can result to tangible improvements to health. This study was therefore embarked upon to assess physico-chemical parameters and trace metal contents in selected boreholes (Drinking water sources) in Lapai Metropolis, Niger State, Nigeria. The Physico-chemical parameters analyzed were found to be within the Nigerian Standard Drinking Water Quality (NSDWQ) and World Health Organization (WHO) standards for Turbidity, Dissolved oxygen, Temperature, Conductivity, Calcium hardness, Chloride, Iron, Chromium, Fluoride, Nitrate and Alkalinity, except for pH level, Total Dissolved Solids, Total hardness, Magnesium and Nitrite in Badegi quarters sampling site. The analysis carried out on the water samples for six months (March - August 2015) indicated that in Badegi sampling site, some of the values were above the standard set by NDSWQ and WHO. There is therefore the tendency of high potential health hazards to the inhabitants of that area, that uses the water source for drinking and other domestic purposes without treatment.

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