
Journal Article

Zooplankton of Temporary Freshwater Rock Pools of Upeh Guling, Endau Rompin Malaysia

A.U. Gabi and H.M. Matias-Peralta


The composition and abundance of zooplankton communities were analyzed from zooplankton samples collected six times within a year in Upeh Guling, Taman Negara Johor Endau Rompin (TNJER), Malaysia. A total of 49 species of zooplankton were recorded with 48 species at rain fed rock pools and 40 species at river fed rock pools. Rotifers contributed the highest number of species with 35 species over others due to their fast growth and development under favourable conditions. Among the rotifers, Lecane was most diverse with 11 species in total. For zooplankton communities, the rain fed rock pools recorded higher (P<0.05) variation in total species diversity and density, compared with river fed rock pools. Fewer species composition recorded in river fed rock pools may be attributed to the river water which continually feeding the pools and might carried along some species. High species diversity index in rain fed and river fed rock pools, ranging from H'=3.14-H'=3.56 as a result of long period of the inundation which suggested a healthy (oligotrophic) condition of the ecosystem. The results suggest a healthy state of the environment as it favours the proliferation of diverse species of zooplankton communities.

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