
Journal Article

Development of Digital Accident Detector with Android Phones

A.A. Alfa, M. El-Mamud, I. Maikudi, and U.A. Turaki


The rate of road accident occurrences on our roads is very alarming. Most of these accidents are fatal and results in loss of lives. Some vehicles are embedded with crash detector, but these vehicles that have this facility are very expensive. In this research paper, a less expensive system that can be widely used to reduce the time to report and respond to vehicle crash was developed. The system consists of a mobile-phone-based application, any traveler can install the App in his/her android smart phone. The App uses the in-phone accelerometer and GPS to detect a crash and its location coordinates respectively, and then a notification is sent to a concerned agency. A concerned agency location coordinates with phone number is stored on a Firebase (cloud database) that is created. The App fetches the agency phone number from the firebase and send an SMS with the location coordinates and the Google map image of the crash site in real-time.

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