
Journal Article

Dynamics of Entomo-Faunal Diversity Indices of Rice-Fields Subjected to Different Agro-Chemical Inputs in Minna Metropolis, Nigeria

I.M. Salihu, I.K. Olayemi, Y. Garba, I. Yahaya, U.I. Hamza, H.H. Ndayako, S.L. Aliyu, M. Nma-Estu & A.Y Gusau


Dynamics of entomo-faunal diversity of rice-fields subjected to different agro-chemical inputs during rainy season in Minna Metropolis was investigated in 2013. The densities of insects collected from ricefields during the season ranged from 165 (30.11%) in site C to 211 (38.50%) in site B. Altogether, five insect Orders, viz; Coleoptera, Odonata, Hemiptera, Decapoda and Orthoptera were encountered during the period. The result further revealed that rice-field type A is more diverse in terms of species diversity among the rice-field types sampled, with a Simpson diversity index value of 0.6971. Furthermore, Shannon winner diversity indices also revealed that rice-field type C where both fertilizer and herbicide is applied is heavily polluted with an index value of 0.457. On the other hand, Simpson also revealed that Order Coleoptera is the most mature, stable and diverse insect order among the ricefield communities sampled, with an index value of 0.631 and the Order Decapoda recorded the least with an index of 0.364. On the whole, Fisher-alpha diversity indices have placed Order Orthoptera as the most spatial and temporally distributed order in the rice-field sampled. The findings of this study have placed the entomo-diversity of rice fields during the season in Minna, as influenced by the application of agrochemical inputs, in clearer perspective, more so, the finding will help in facilitating sustainable rice production in Minna and other areas with similar rice farming agronomic practices.

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