
Journal Article

Comparative Proximate Composition of Fishes in Fresh Water in Lapai Market, Niger State, Nigeria

A.B. Liman, M.K. Yusuf, H. Ibrahim and A.H. Bashiru


The comparative proximate compositions of some smoked and fresh fishes of fresh water in Lapai market, Niger State, were carried out according to the procedures of AOAC (1990). The species used for the study include Clarias gariepinus, Heterotis niloticus and Tilapia zilli. The nutrient compositions of raw muscles determined were protein, moisture, fat, fibre, ash and nitrogen-free-extract. In both smoked and fresh species of the fishes, crude protein was highest in Clarias (60.00%) and (18.84%) respectively, and at lowest in Heterotis (51.15%) and (17.22%) respectively. Both smoked and fresh fishes showed significant differences (P<0.05) in the nutrient compositions. The results of this research work would be of great value in classifying species examined in terms of nutritive contents in area of study and its surrounding.

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