
Journal Article

On The Properties of Burr X-Topp Leone Distribution and Its Application

Musa, Y., Muhammad, A. B., Usman, U. And Zakari, Y.


The aim of this study is to establish some statistical properties and application of Burr X-Topp Leone distribution proposed by Usman et al., (2019), using an approach of Burr X family of generating continuous probability distributions. These properties obtained include survival and hazard functions, moments, order statistics, quantile function, probability weighted moment. Thus, the estimation parameters of the distribution were also derived using the method of maximum likelihood estimation technique. In order shows the importance of BXTLD over some existing methods, an application to a real dataset was analyzed and the result shows that BXTLD performed better in model fitting than some of the life time distributions considered. Therefore, this distribution can be considered as important alternatives to modeling real life datasets.

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