
Journal Article

The offer of Geophysical Techniques in uncovering the geothermal energy potential reserves towards mitigating the formidable Energy crisis in Nigeria

Yusuf, T. U.


The Nigeria’s challenging electrical energy requirements has been overwhelming, with the demands for such electrical energy exceeding generation capacity. The main Nigerian electrical energy generating source has been gas-fired thermal power stations and despite her increasing population of close to 200 million, Nigeria’s present energy generation capacity still stood at 13,000 MW with only 5,500 MW distributable to the nation. Therefore, mitigating this formidable electrical energy challenge currently bedevilling the country where the demands for such energy exceed the attainability remains a very vital issue. Geothermal energy was considered being the most reliable, sustainable and stable source of optional energy compared to other renewable resources like wind and solar power. Reason being that it’s always constantly availability for tapping in contrary to that of wind or solar energy that is occasionally scarce / absent with seasonal variations. Consequently, some notable geophysical techniques previously applied by researchers at various locations within Nigeria were reviewed with a particular focus on those researches that were targeted on geothermal energy prospecting. The aim was to appraise the geophysical contributions from such notable researches. Most of the researchers opined that there is inequitable access to the meagre and unstable generated electrical energy by the populace. The consequent of which is securing renewable geothermal energy sources as an alternative for the production of electricity. This geothermal energy option will present an attractive and cheaper alternative energy source for the nation. Numerous of such geothermal energy potential sites in the country showing surface heat manifestations were discovered through the exploit of the geophysical methods. The greatest achievement of the geophysical methods observed from this review is the methods’ efficacy, reliability and cost-effectiveness when used to establish very useful information for the stake holders towards facilitating proper assessment, exploration and exploitation of geothermal energy resources in Nigeria which remains the best option towards resolving the national energy crisis

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